Author Services

Self publishing can often take a team of professionals to accomplish a professional, fully developed book. Many authors also help other authors to publish by offering services such as creating cover art, editing, or marketing.

Here are a few folks who offer services for authors. We hope to add more in the coming months.

Lorna Hinson (juliatalbot at

Blurb writing service. After 15 years as an author, including 12 as an e-book publisher, Lorna has written more than 2000 blurbs. Contact Lorna for details. $20.00 for one blurb with one revision.

Editing and Proofreading: An experienced editor, Lorna will also copy edit/proofread manuscripts. For a basic content and copy edit, Lorna charges .003 per word. For a proofread, she charges .002 per word. And for a developmental or deep content edit, she charges .005 per word. (In other words, a content edit on an 80K book would be approximately $240.00). She does ask for a percentage up front from new clients.

For either service, email

We hope to add more resources soon!